Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Words of Encouragement

I just realized that we missed out on a big opportunity - APRIL FOOLS' DAY! Who knows what outlandish date story we could have come up with... especially because all these other creepy stories we share actually happen. I'll have to start thinking about one and then there will be a GREAT one for next year.


Over the last few months, every time one of my a guy-friends posts an update on his life, it is all about how girls are ridiculous. Or how upset he is that he is not married. Or how he was engaged last year and now he still isn't married. Or how depressed he is about not being married. Or how sad he is that a girl turned him down for a second date... And on. And on. And on.

As you can see, not a big optimistic person. Well, this weekend was the last straw, and I finally sent him a message to get him to stop having a constant pity-party for the world to see. I really wanted to tell him to just shut-up and get over himself, but I restrained my fingers from typing those words. In the end, my message told him to stop worrying about it, that he is trying and dating people, and that marriage will come eventually -- Something to that effect.

The next day I got a message from him, thanking me for the message of encouragement... And then he asked if my Friday was free. Hmm... Not exactly what I was going for with that message.

Until next time, Robin

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